How to disable the web administration console? http://localhost:8080/axis2/axis2-admin/
This is a common problem that many users asks and most of them thinks
that this can be done by changing a property in axis2.xml file.
There are more than one way to carry out this task. First we need to
say that axis2.xml has no control on disabling this admin console.
Because of that, changing the properties of axis2.xml file will not
effect on this requirement.
Here i ll specify two different ways to fulfill your requirement.
Both of them will prevent accessing the JSP file which is required to
load the Web Admin Console.
01: Changing the web.xml file
You can find this file at : webapps/axis2/WEB-INF folder.
In this file , you will find the following entry
You can comment this entry like
This will prevent the page redirection and it will solve your problem.
02: Renaming or Deleting the Login.jsp file
You can find this file at : webapps/axis2/axis2-web folder.
you can delete or rename this file to any other name.
This will prevent access to Login page and it will solve your problem.